Joint academic achievement of the Technical University of Munich, Meta-Bounds and Google accepted by ECCV


In the just released collected papers of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2022), the joint academic achievement of the Technical University of Munich, Meta-Bounds and Google was accepted. As one of the world’s top 3 computer vision conferences, this edition of ECCV received 5,803 effective papers, of which 1,650 were accepted, with an acceptance rate of 28% only. Meta-Bounds will keep exploring the technology frontier, and participate actively in academic exchanges and international cooperation.

Exploring the frontier with a view to the future

This paper proposes a graphic relational structure E-Graph, which abstracts structural information in a scene to eliminate co-vision reliance in posture estimation, help the system realize low-drift rotational estimation, and improve the accuracy and efficiency of system 6-DoF posture estimation, effectively solving the problem of gradual drifting of posture estimation results when the SLAM system is unable to loop back for a long time.

Empowering the industry through prospective thinking

Technological innovation is the primary impetus to industry development. Meta-Bounds will input more and more scientific research resources to accelerate the commercialization of cutting-edge achievements beginning with scientific research, join hands with customers to further meet diversified consumer needs for AR glasses, and contribute to technological breakthroughs in the whole industry!